Aleksandra Vajd


Aleksandra Vajd

In her art practice, Aleksandra explores the medium of photography and pushes at its limitations. She works with the image as an object, she makes use of space, and she is interested in the materiality of light. In recent years, she has shifted her focus to reductive photographic work, exploring the borders of the medium with particular emphasis on its materiality and its scale. Her individual works and collaborative projects have for example been presented at Galerie Rudolfinum in Prague, Cukrarna in Ljubljana, the Astrup Fearnley Museet in Oslo, Glasgow’s Street Level Photoworks gallery, Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, Prague City Gallery, Kyoto’s Zuiun-an-Art Project Space, Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago, the City Gallery in Ljubljana and the < rotor > centre for contemporary art in Graz. Vajd has also participated in several photographic festivals and biennales, including the Photo Festival in Krakow, Leipzig, Liège, and the 9th Triennale of Contemporary Art U3 in Ljubljana.


Aleksandra Vajd graduated from veterinary medicine at the University of Ljubljana In 1997. Today the Prague and Ljubljana based Slovenian artist is a graduate of the Photography Department at FAMU and New York State University at New Paltz. In 2021, she became an assistant professor at the Academy of Visual Arts in Ljubljana where she teaches seminar on Theory and practice of Photographic medium. She has run the Studio Of Photography at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design / AAAD in Prague since 2008.





7 items to display
2 I 01 DS Vajd
€3 500

2019 | 30 x 40 cm | B/W photograms on silver gelatin paper, hand dyed (set of three papers)

6 I 11 DS Vajd upr2
€5 000

2019 | 30 x 40 cm | B/W photograms on silver gelatin paper, hand dyed (set of six papers)

3 I 22 DS Vajd
€6 900

2019 | 30 x 40 cm | B/W photograms on silver gelatin paper, (set of ten papers)

4 I 28 DS Vajd
€3 900

2019 | 30 x 40 cm | B/W photograms on silver gelatin paper, hand dyed (set of four papers)

7 I 29 DS Vajd
€4 000

2019 | 30 x 40 cm | B/W photograms on silver gelatin paper, hand dyed (set of three papers)

5 I 07 DS Vajd
€2 900

2019 | 30 x 40 cm | B/W photograms on silver gelatin paper, hand dyed (set of two papers)

1 I 32 DS Vajd
€3 500

2019 | 30 x 40 cm | B/W photograms on silver gelatin paper, hand dyed (set of two papers)

7 items total
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