
Fotograf Contemporary Brings a New Perspective on Libuše Jarcovjáková’s Work

curator Lucie Černá & artist Libuše Jarcovjáková, 2024, photo Radim Hořelka In the exhibition Photographer, Fotograf Contemporary will showcase her photographic books as well as previously un...

Czech Fine Art Photography Captivated Jim Jarmusch

Jim Jarmusch na Paris Photo, 2024, foto Radim Hořelka The prestigious Paris Photo fair brought it to the event after a long absence, showcasing it through the platform Fotograf Contemporary. As a...

Fotograf Contemporary presents a new exhibition by Libuše Jarcovjáková

The exhibition focuses on the photographic work of Libuše Jarcovjáková, who is known for her unique approach to photography as a medium that transcends many limits. The author has become known in part...

Czech photography will be represented at Paris Photo

Paris Photo at the Palais Ephemeral in 2023 It has been more than ten years since Czech photography was last represented at the world famous Paris Photo. It is our pleasure to announce the Fotogr...

The Largest Photography Fair: Paris Photo

Paris Photo v Grand Palais The art fair is known for its high level and enthusiastic admirers from all over the world. Paris Photo is an event that attracts not only the public, but also the mos...

Fotograf Contemporary is pleased to present Marie Tomanova’s first solo exhibition at Fotograf Gallery

Artist: Marie Tomanova Exhibition: 5 East Broadway Location: Fotograf Gallery On View: November 17, 2023 – December 16, 2023 Opening: Thursday, November 16, 6 PM "When the image is new, the world...

How to? We offer 3 price levels

Based on our experience, we have created three pricing levels that are derived from the usual budget range of our clients as well as the career development stage of the photographers we represent. ...

Photography is on the rise.

Ondřej Přibyl, Municipal Waste Incinerator, from the series Signs of Causality, daguerreotype, private collection, 2011 The auction sales of photographs have seen several record sums in the first...

The Beginner Collector’s Guide to Photography

installation view of exhibition: Pavel Baňka: Photographer(s) down here and up there, Fotograf Gallery, 2022 Over the past fifty years, the photography market has seen significant development and...


pohled do instalace výstavy Dušana Šimánka: Herbář, Fotograf Gallery, 2019 For those who could be unsure or insufficiently acquainted with the specificity of the medium, a question comes up immed...

Why Collect Photography?

installation view to the exhibition Herbarium by Dušan Šimánek, Fotograf Gallery, 2019 Photography is something that surrounds us, that captures life and its fragments. Photography is a universal...

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