Czech photography will be represented at Paris Photo

2024_02 Ceska fotografie na Paris Photo

Paris Photo v Palais Ephemeral v roce 2023

It has been more than ten years since Czech photography was last represented at the world famous Paris Photo. It is our pleasure to announce the Fotograf Contemporary was selected by the expert committee of the prestigious fair to exhibit the best of its offer in collaboration with Sonia Voss, curator of the Voices sector.



The visual counterpart will be a conceptual work by Markéta Othová. This artist reveals her perception through the apparatus in a completely unique way, in which the fragility and ambiguity of things around us creates new meanings, which are then emphasised in the end by a deliberately minimalist installation. The next part consists of the latest project by artist Aleksandra Vajd, who incorporates geometric shapes or everyday objects into new compositions in a unique, yet thoughtful and highly aesthetic way.


Vizuálním protipólem bude konceptuální dílo Markéty Othové. Tato autorka odhaluje své vnímání skrze aparát zcela ojedinělým způsobem, v němž křehkost a nejasnost věcí okolo nás vytváří nové významy, které pak ve výsledku podtrhuje záměrně minimalistickou instalací. 


It has been more than ten years since Czech photography last participated with a stand at Paris Photo. Fotograf Contemporary Gallery was selected by the expert committee of the prestigious fair to present the best of its portfolio.


And who has represented Czech photography at Paris Photo so far? In the past it was Leica Gallery Prague with works by Václav Jirásek, Ivan Pinkava, Ton Stan, Jiří Hanke, etc., or the hunt kastner gallery with works by Viktor Kopasz, Alena Kotzmannová and Jiří Thýn.


Paris Photo is the world's largest photography fair, which has played a key role for all those interested in photography for more than 25 years and whose importance has been growing steadily. It brings the latest trends and developments in the field. If you are a photography lover or professionally involved in photography, you should not miss the most important event and its news.


Markéta Kinterová


The project is supported by the Ministry of Culture Czech Republic, Czech Recovery Plan and the European Union.




Markéta Kinterová – kurátorka, umělecká ředitelka, šéfredaktorka, odbornice na fotografii, konzultantka
Autorka článku
Markéta Kinterová
Markéta Kinterová je kurátorkou Fotograf Contemporary, šéfredaktorkou časopisu Fotograf, ředitelkou stejnojmenného spolku, umělkyní a pedagožkou na Katedře fotografie (FAMU) v Praze.
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